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Mold in Murrieta: What to Look For


Water damage and mold damage aren’t exactly topics that are on the forefronts of Murrieta residents’ minds. Southern California is, after wall, notoriously dry. However, even the smallest amount of moisture in your home, especially after a big storm or flood, can significantly increase the chances of mold taking hold in your home. What should you look for when checking for mold? Here are three signs of the most common mold types.


Aspergillus is the most common type of household mold. If your food ever gets moldy, the mold is probably aspergillus. This type of mold is also commonly found in air conditioners. The telltale signs of this mold are clusters of grey and black splotches. Its continued presence can trigger mild allergy symptoms


Cladosporium is another fairly common type of mold, and is characterized by a blackish or greenish “speckled” texture. In a household, it’s most likely to show up in air ducts, on painted surfaces, or behind toilets. This mold, if left untreated, can release spores that can trigger allergy symptoms and other upper respiratory issues.


Known as “black mold” for its black, gooey appearance, stachybotrys is one of the deadlier types of mold. Growing in areas of constant moisture such as air conditioning systems or leaky pipes, stachybotrys secrete mycotoxins that can lead to a wide range of health problems to whoever’s exposed. Not only can the allergy symptoms of other molds appear, but more severe health problems such as asthma attacks, depression, cystic fibrosis, and immune system disorders can also be caused by mycotoxins.


Alternaria is primarily an outdoor mold, but can grow in households that have recently experienced water or flood damage. It has a grey or blackish “fuzzy” texture. Like most molds, exposure can trigger allergic or asthmatic symptoms. Alternaria can spread quickly after it takes hold, so having a recently-flooded area treated quickly is extremely important.

Tip of the Iceburg

This is just a few of the types of household mold types that can occur. A more extensive list of mold types can be found elsewhere online. By knowing what to look for, you can protect yourself against potential mold infestations and be ready to take earlier action.


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