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Tips to Prevent Dishwasher Fires


Almost all electrical devices that we have at home can be a fire hazard, and this includes your dishwashers. Though they are the least common fire-related appliances, dishwashers can still cause electrical fires and damage your home. In fact, according to statistics, more than 7 million dishwashers have been involved in fire-related incidents over the past 5years. Taking that into consideration, the safe use of dishwashers is crucial. Keep reading to learn some tips on how to prevent dishwasher fires.

Common Causes of Dishwasher Fires

A dishwasher contains a heating system that dries out your dishes. This heating system gets wet, heats up, and cools down. It’s always necessary to maintain this system to avoid dishwasher fires.

Faulty Wirings

Any appliance can easily catch fire when its wirings are not in proper conditions. Faulty wirings or frayed cords, when wet, can travel heat to combustible surfaces like floor, curtains, and rugs which can eventually start a fire. 

Poor Maintenance

The hidden problems of different appliances are one of the most common causes of a house fire. If the dishwasher is not maintained regularly or if it is outdated, it can develop faulty wirings, issues with the control panels, or even an error in the system. 

Improper Usage

Leaving your appliances unattended while they are in operation has the potential to cause a house fire. The same goes for when someone in your household uses the electrical devices without proper usage. 

Tips To Prevent Dishwasher Fires

  • Make sure to read the instruction manuals of the manufacturers that include the safety tips and guidelines.
  • Follow the instructions properly for proper utilization. 
  • Make sure to register the dishwasher on its website for the safety notices of the appliances.
  • Turn off the dishwasher if not in use, especially before going to sleep or leaving the house.
  • Make sure to always supervise the dishwasher while in operation. Try not to leave it unattended to avoid sudden problems.
  • Make sure to check the plastic components that release detergents, as they can cause leaks.
  • Inspect power cords of the appliances to prevent frayed wirings.
  • Try not to run cords under the carpets and rugs, as they can add to overheating of the power cords.
  • Inspect the extension cords and avoid using them as permanent wiring.
  • Get a professional for annual maintenance of your appliances.
  • Try not to overload electrical outlets to avoid power explosions.
  • Always clean the dishwasher to prolong its life and protect its components.
  • Check and repair broken components regularly. 

Dishwasher Safety Tips

  1. When using the dishwasher, place the sharp utensils like fork and knives face down inside the utensil baskets, and put the spoon up for more room to utilize.
  2. Place the glassware gently to prevent breaking and need to be placed firmly.
  3. Try not to overload the dishwashers as it can cause several problems inside the system.
  4. Make sure to separate your dishes in batches to prevent overloading.
  5. Allow your machine to cool off after extended use. Prolonged usage of the device can lead to overheating. 
  6. Make sure to close the dishwasher door regularly when loading and unloading dishes to prevent leaks.
  7. Add a child safety lock to keep children from opening the dishwasher.
  8. Store the dishwashing products and detergent in a proper place that is out of reach from children.
  9. Make sure to read the labels before using the device.
  10. Try not to fill the dispenser cups until you’re ready to use the dishwasher.
  11. Avoid mixing dishwasher detergent with other cleaning products as it can cause internal leaks of the dishwasher.
  12. Check if the dishwasher is safe before using it.

General Appliances Fire Safety Tips

It’s essential to apply the general safety tips for using appliances. Make sure to keep the equipment at a safe distance and in the proper location. Avoid placing it in areas that are often wet, including the bathroom, kitchen, and basement. If an appliance produces a spark, repair it as soon as possible to prevent a fire disaster. Keep a working fire extinguisher near the appliances to use in case of fire emergencies. Make sure to have a Home Fire Prevention Action Plan. Have your appliances maintained regularly. Make sure to install a smoke alarm on every floor and room of the house. Lastly, always make sure to unplug the devices after use.

In case of a Dishwasher Fire, Call Professionals

To prevent dishwasher fires, make sure to follow the prevention tips above. But, if your home suffers from fire damage due to a dishwasher, contact fire damage professionals immediately. 

Fire damage professionals from Superior Restoration can help you with the cleanup and restoration process. They are a team of experienced professionals and equipped with quality equipment that can efficiently restore your home to its pre-damaged condition. Contact their local office, Water Damage Lake Elsinore, today.


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